Fulfilling The New Year’s Resolution - Dr. Marlene MD


Fulfilling The New Year’s Resolution

New Year again! The tradition of making New Year’s resolutions is here, again. Let me think! Do I make the resolution about exercise, maybe eating more of this and less of that, or the ultimate resolution to never make another resolution? I know every reader is choosing the last option but energetic exercise in the form of walking is my choice this year. A very viable option if I want to stay viable, alive, and full of vitality.

Join the phenomenon of superhero walkers, a unique, bizarre, and quite a funny twist to the average, dull, everyday walker. An original Dr Marlene idea!

I overheard the neighbors yelling, “Get your camera, that “superhero” walker is walking again!”

Recently, my home exercise program took a gigantic leap. Leap as in height or leap as in ingenuity? Leap as in a leap of faith that you too can fulfil your New Year’s resolution to exercise daily.  I started a club, one member, me, of “superhero walkers.” “Stretch, walk, and walk some more while wearing my superhero costume complete with a cape.” The question is not “why.” but “why not!”

Walking. I have this walking exercise mastered; been practicing since a toddler.  Walking in my neighborhood is both life-saving and cost-effective. No gym fees. No driving. Lots of fun and attention as a superhero walker.

Walking is a simple workout, great for the heart, lowers blood pressure, strengthens your bones, eases stress, and boosts your morale.  Start slow and build up to 30 minutes 5 x a week. Hey, personal assistant, start my stopwatch. I walk on the sidewalk but walking in your house, on the beach, or in a swimming pool is also great exercise. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.

When walking outside, watch the Florida weather. Choose a safe area, stay hydrated, wear good sneakers, and apply sunscreen. I keep my rhythm by listening to music. My friend loves audiobooks. Another way to listen to a podcast or maybe just nature and the birds chirping.

Cleaning out the garage, I found a red, bouncy ball. Yes, I am the superhero bouncing that red ball. Bring a friend on the walk and throw that ball around. Improved balance and coordination are added benefits of bouncing the ball.

Another childhood toy rediscovered, the yoyo! Walking while playing with a yoyo, and wearing my superhero cape is quite a feat for this adult! I am that carefree kid again with a red bouncy ball, playing with my yoyo while wearing my superhero cape.  A leap of ingenuity and fun, defined.

Bring in the New Year. This superhero is fulfilling her New Year’s resolution to add walking as a daily exercise. Superheroes unite! Walk and walk some more, as if your life depends upon it because it does!

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