Music Magic - Dr. Marlene MD


Music Magic

I just finished listening to my Tibetan Singing Bowl. With this instrument, I create beautiful music.  My Tibetan Singing Bowl sings to me, promoting relaxation of mind and body. Tibetan Singing Bowls have been used for centuries by Buddhist monks to relax and promote healing. Music magic.

For centuries, people have been using music to soothe and heal. Music recreates natural sounds. Rustling leaves, ocean waves, waterfalls, thunder, rain, and wildlife are nature’s music. Earth’s sounds for millenniums. I think of this daily, as I am mesmerized by our Magnetic Floating World Globe. The flow and rhythm of our synchronized galaxy. Another form of music.

Hey, Tibetan Singing Bowl, I love how we create music together. Thanks for reminding my mind and heart of the importance of music, honoring this month of May, Chamber Music Month.

Chamber music is written for a small group or ensemble of instruments. It was born to be performed for a small audience in a palace chamber. In chamber music, there is one performer for each instrument such as a violin.

Music activates parts of the brain to increase the good brain chemicals called endorphins. Lonely, put on some music. Need to relax, take a musical journey. Anxious, fill the mind with music. Stressed and need to move, follow the beat of the music and dance. The combinations and permutations of music therapy are infinite.

Music has natural healing properties. Music can lift us up to the happy zone. The purr of a kitten. The song of a blue jay. Music can warn us of impending danger. The squeal of tire wheels or the squawk of an eagle. Music is an intimate part of the storyline of all movies.

White noise is magical music. White noise is made by a white noise generator. It is a combination of all the sound frequencies, heard as a humming sound. White noise masks external noises and internal noises such as buzzing in the ears. White noise soothes a person to sleep. These noises prevent me and many others from falling and staying asleep.  My Sound Machine for Sleeping, White Noise & Alarm Clock generates 20 different types of white noises. Thank you, Sound Machine, for helping me get a restful night’s sleep.

Chamber Music Month reminds us that music is an important part of our lives. Everywhere, every day, every way, music surrounds us. Music enriches our lives, adding value to every activity, from cooking to driving. Music magic!

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