Reflections & Impressions - Dr. Marlene MD


Reflections & Impressions

I stood frozen.  I had just looked into the mirror. A full length, right in front of my face mirror. My up close and personal look at me. What I saw and said was amazing. Automatically, I had smiled. I greeted myself, “You look marvelous.”  Then I stopped cold in my tracks, no movement, held my breath to reflect.

My exercise and fitness trainer explained to me a new exercise. Up, down, over, and out with the arms…  A bit complicated that commanded an eyeball roll. I suggested that it would be better to learn these nuances while looking in a mirror. A big, tall, full-length mirror. My words and reflection, frizzy hair, wrinkled face was duly noted.  One greeting and one look at me became etched in my mind. Is this how the world sees me? Do these marvelous words reflect my character?

The end of the year is a time to reflect.  Reflections about life, on times past, present, and future. On the many first impressions, social challenges, and vibrant opportunities of 2023. Opportunities to give a memorable first impression using our body (smile, eye contact) and verbal (word) languages. The my smile, you look marvelous greeting I used.

Looking at my reflection, I saw one of me.  What did I say in this moment? Did I appear happy, distressed, uninterested, annoyed…? Does my face and words match? Life can derail my goal of a smile and marvelous first impression. Many first impressions are memorable, but for the wrong reason.

A positive first impression is the reflect before reacting sequence. Challenging for me. As a physician, I have developed the first line emergency reaction response, no time to reflect here. This emergency reaction plan works well in the healthcare setting only. But when no medic is needed, reflection not reaction, is best.

I reflect on giving one memorable, positive first impression. Can I use a set method to help ensure my reflection overrides my reaction? The answer is yes…read on.

The first impression is given during those first few moments when you are making a person-to-person connection and communicating. Body language is key at this time, using an appropriate facial expression such as a smile and direct eye contact. I do not want to have a looking down at my shoes frown, sweaty palms, a lump in my throat, or butterflies in my stomach. My smile and marvelous greeting help me to relax, enjoy the social interaction, and communicate my intent to the audience.

The first impression is made in the first 3 to 5 words of a communication. The first 3 to 5 words determine the course and destiny of the conversation.  Do these words match your body language?  Is the audience listening or just hearing the blah, blah…? It is these 3 to 5 words that hook the audience into listening intently, staying focused, and becoming involved in the conversation.

How long does it take to say 3 to 5 words?  It takes 7 seconds.  I reflect… I have only 7 seconds to make a great first impression!  Like a good novel, the first paragraph of the first page hook the reader or bore the reader. The window of opportunity for social gatherings and business meetings is short, specifically 7 seconds short.

I think of this as the 1-3-5-7 method of positive first impressions. The 1 is the 1 you, making 1 great first impression, occurring in the first 3-5 words and in the first 7 seconds of the conversation. Destiny is determined here.

As I reflect on my reflection in the mirror, I smile and sigh.  These days, this physician tries to reflect first, holding at bay the automatic medic reactions.  I am grateful for my smile of confidence and marvelous words. Using the 1-3-5-7 method, I will continue to make memorable first impressions in 2024, turning communication challenges into smiling opportunities.  Connect with me at

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