Diet is a Four-Letter Word - Dr. Marlene MD


Diet is a Four-Letter Word

Diet is a 4-letter word! Wow, you are thinking! She can count. The connotation is that a “4 letter word” is a “bad” word. A 4-letter word can be the response to a situation that deserves no response. A 4-letter word is not a happy place.

What thoughts enter the mind with the 4-letter word “diet”? Deprivation, eating less, rabbit food, green lettuce, no desserts, short term, temporary. An alphabet soup of words. Commonly, a person says in a negative, sad tone, “No, thanks to that chocolate cake. I’m on a diet!” Then, with a smile and deep sigh , adds, “The diet ends tomorrow so save me a piece of that homemade chocolate cake!

I have gotten rid of the diet from my vocabulary. From this moment forth, let us call what we eat and drink what it really is, “food”. We love to think about and plan our meals, hence, a “food plan”. EveryWAY Nutrition is about a food plan, eliminating that diet 4-letter word. It is a food plan that contains great nutrients for our body needs. Food that its simple, easy, nutritious, and delicious.

Me in the supermarket, reading the ingredient list. Supermarket employee, “May I help you?” Me, “No.” The ingredient list often reads like a science experiment. Not for this EveryWAY Nutrition person. Next food product ingredient list to read. This process is time-consuming and a bit scary. But considering I only have one, wonderful body, worth all the time and effort.

My food plan is simple, easy, fun, tasty, and above all healthy. I can pronounce and know what I eat. EveryWAY Nutrition made easy.

*No content in this article and any article on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.*

No content in this article and any article on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.
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