A Rainbow of Glass - Dr. Marlene MD


A Rainbow of Glass

National Fine Art Appreciation Day, celebrated every year on October 25

A rainbow. That beautiful, magical arch of colors given to our eyes for just a few moments after a rain shower. Fleeting but mystical. Pictured in our minds after its flight has ended.

The colors of the rainbow are noted in the name, Roy G Biv. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Indigo? I do not remember seeing an indigo crayon in my new box of crayons. The rainbow memory is sitting next to the new box of crayon memory. Looking at it, opening the box, deciding which color to use first. Is there an indigo in the box? I shall have to ask Dr. Google, my most favorite personal home assistant.

Recently, I visited the Chihuly Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida. A rainbow of colors to mine eyes. The colors were matched by Chihuly’s imagination in the glass artwork. The shape of each glass piece is a combination of glass colors, skill of the glass artisan, and gravity of the earth. Each piece of glass says, “This is me, an individual, shaped by nature, handled, and displayed to bring the patron to the rainbow of colors.”

For me, seeing glass artwork is a magical moment, like visualizing the rainbow. A rainbow is a surprise, a gift of nature. The glass artwork is the artisan using nature to produce art. Thanks you, glass artisans, for giving to the world more beauty in the colors of the rainbow. Chihuly Glass Chandelier needs no explanation. It says it all.

Website: Chihuly Collection at the Morean Arts Center, St Petersburg Florida

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